Brain Damage





This is what brain damage sounds like, motherfucker!

I used to go to Guitar Center in Irvine, California a lot, just so I could play the Jackson and B.C. Rich axes.  Besides, I needed to stay awake so that I could go to sleep at a normal time on my nights off.

I fucking hated night shift, but it paid a dollar an hour more than days.  What’s more, I’m not really a customer-oriented person (as if you haven’t guessed), because I don’t put up with crap from people who don’t sign my paychecks.

Like I always say, “I’m a whore, not a slave.  So, fuck off.”

How customer-oriented am I?  Okay, you axed for it:

One time, over twenty years ago, a woman looked for a book which was out of stock.  When she looked over my shoulder as I searched the computer, she said: “The computer says you have ten.”

I immediately turned around and replied, “Ma’am, I’m an Atheist in here, and that means I don’t believe in the existence of anything that I don’t have my hands on.  So, until it’s in my hand, and I give it to you, we ain’t got shit.

You’re not wondering why I never made Employee of the Month, are you?   I mean, it’s pretty fucking obvious.

And you thought this is just a character that I portray in cyberspace.  No, no, no, no, no, no, no!  This is who I am in real life-partially because of the fact that my prefrontal cortex is fucked up (source: Neurosci Bull April 1, 2015, 31(2): 198–206. and partially due to the fact that I simply have no patience for conservatives and other intellectual inferiors who refuse to accept scientific facts.

Meningitis is an inflammation of the lining of the brain  (source: Meningitis. (2015). Nursing Standard (2014+), 30(3), 17. doi:  People who get hit with it suffer brain damage and often lose their sight, lose their hearing, and lose their limbs.

And God supposedly protected three men in a furnace which was heated seven times normal (Daniel 3;19).

As for my axes, I have a Jackson and a Fender acoustic in storage over in Irvine, California, but I had to buy two more guitars and another amplifier.

I have been able to work on my manual dexterity over the course of time, and I’m a hell of a lot better now than I was when I shot that little bit at Guitar Center in Irvine, California in 2011.

I don’t know why God allowed me to get meningitis-and He’d better have a damned good reason for it.  Exodus 4:11 is something that I don’t accept.  And if you have a child with a developmental disability, you shouldn’t either.


Conservatives and Their View on Traumatic Brain Injury

It’s so funny how conservatives just don’t understand traumatic brain injury.

Upon the publishing of Some of Us Have Lived With This Our Entire Lives.  So, Who Are You to Bitch? on Reddit, one person asked me if I, myself, wasn’t guilty of bitching.  I responded that there is a big difference between someone who drove over a bomb and decided that he can’t handle life anymore and someone who has dealt with it his entire life.

Even though it was in the psychology section of Reddit, I could tell that these people were not psychologists-or even psychology majors, for that matter.  They lacked understanding, compassion, and gave no benefit of doubt.  I knew they were full of crap because their ramblings were not those of psychology majors in a university.  These were average morons from off the street who thought they had something interesting to say.

The first thing a reader might ask is how could I possibly know that the respondent was a conservative.  A conservative always blames you for what happened, and never society-no matter how ignorant society is.

I could also tell that they were not of the profession because they didn’t use the terminology.  They also were not able to put themselves in my position.  I actually get the impression that Reddit is like Facebook-only worse.  With Facebook, you consider the source.  However, it seems that with Reddit, you have people in there who think they are authorities on certain subjects.

I knew I had to leave Reddit the moment I felt a hot rush, because I’m a nasty motherfucker when I deal with those who are proud of their ignorance.  I might come back.  I don’t know for sure.  However, should I decide to, I’ll just have to stick the post up there and leave, because I don’t put up with stupidity anymore.

It’s just not worth it.

Some Of Us Have Lived With This Our Entire Lives, So Who Are You To Bitch?


Ever since my second seizure in 2007 and especially after scores of pallets hit me in the head while working for Walmart, I have struggled with my temper.

I have no patience-especially for electronics, and I hate it when I blow my top.

I know I’m not supposed to do that, but there’s nowhere for me to go when it happens. There was once a time when I could go to a remote area and blow off steam for a couple of minutes, but I lose that race today, and the previous articles you read on the subject tell you why that is.

My frontal lobes are fucking fucked.

It reminds me of the time when an accelerator cable broke on the Golden State Freeway in Santa Clarita, California and I had to hope that I could get to the shoulder.  Of course, I didn’t.  No one would let me get over so that I could get there.  The funny part was that people had the nerve to scream at me as they drove by.

Sure, I gave them the finger.  Like you would have expected me to do anything else?

I tend to yell at electronics or whenever my memory fails me.  The writing of passwords does me no good, because I can’t find them-even if they’re in a book.  I get incredibly angry at myself for failure to remember, but I really shouldn’t.  I need to remember that it’s head trauma which has caused all of this crap.

What makes me angriest of all is that all of those soldiers who drove over bombs are given sympathy while we who have dealt with this condition throughout our lives are considered to have a bad attitude.

Hey, I didn’t shoot any civilians in Haditha, okay?  I also didn’t drive over a roadside bomb in Fallujah.  So, kiss my unwiped ass.  Anyone who went to that propaganda war made an appointment to get their traumatic brain injury.  You can’t blame a six-month-old for his and you can’t blame someone who had meningitis at six months of age and was hit in the head with pallets.

Hey, you’re damn right I’m going to go there-serves you sons of whores right for telling me to leave this country due to the fact that I proudly protested the Iraq War.

Guess what?  I also could care less about the 22 per day who check out, because I still choose to fight my condition.

Those pussies were never men in the first place.

A “veteran” of Iraq will never hold a torch to someone who fought in World War II or Korea-ever.  That’s because the men who fought in those conflicts carried on after the wars.  They didn’t whine about their problems like Iraq War cowards.  They “soldiered” on because they had families to raise.

That’s what I try to do-but I often fall short-and then, I try again.

To lose my temper over something so trivial as electronics is fucking embarrassing, because the conscious side of me realizes that it’s not the end of the God damned world. However, going step-by-step with the instructions and getting a different result than everyone else is infuriating.

Here’s an important safety tip.  Never say to someone, “It’s the user.”

Do that, and you’ll never eat apples the same way ever again.

You see, people who deal with traumatic brain injuries are known to struggle with their self-esteem.  This is because they have heard a lifetime of insults with regard to how “stupid” they were; how they “just don’t pay attention” or are “in a different world.”

That’s what really makes a returning war criminal from the Iraq War a little girl.

Hence, I kindly ask all of you who “served” in that quagmire and found no weapons of mass distraction, to spare us the crap about how hard it is for you to adjust and how you have trouble coping with the changes in your life, because this is what we have dealt with throughout our entire lives.

Maybe it’s your karma for making fun of us.

Maybe it’s your karma for firing us back when we worked for you before W. told you to answer the call.

Maybe it’s your karma for isolating us because you figured we just wanted to be assholes.

You mean to tell me you can handle bullets whizzing past you, but you can’t handle a little frustration with that jar of mayonnaise ?

You cuck!


Too Bad There Was No Sav-on Drugstore In Biblical Times



Moses could have used one of these in his day.

Savon Drugs_z
Moses could have used one of these in his day.

One of the reasons why this columnist does not take ancient texts seriously is because such texts were written by very ignorant people who simply judged behavior without any examination of the science behind it.

For example, Proverbs 22:24-25 states: “Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn their ways and get yourself ensnared.”

Okay, so Solomon’s solution to anger was to isolate an angry person rather than to study the situation and improve the person’s mental health.

He forgot all about poor Moses, didn’t he?

Here’s an idea.  Ever heard of DEPAKOTE?  That keeps people from killing Egyptian slave drivers during any particular moment in which there is a life altering lapse in judgment.
You know, like what Moses did.

Na!  It’s much easier to believe that this is all a matter of self-control and that people should simply be punished for losing their tempers.  Stupid and lazy people impose the death sentence on angry people, but intelligent people study the issue in depth and educate themselves so that they can help that guy on the blue ’78 Harley XL before he slits another throat  with his trusty switchblade.

The prefrontal cortex deals with cognitive, social, motivational and emotional behaviors (source: Neurosci Bull April 1, 2015, 31(2): 198–206. , so it makes sense for someone to learn about this before they waste their time “doing their ‘civic duty’ by participating in jury duty.”

It seems that this should have been investigated before Proverbs was written-I mean, it’s not like people lacked the opportunity to do so.  I’m sure that people in ancient Israel witnessed many incidents of head trauma.  Furthermore, I have no doubt that these very people noticed behavioral changes in those who suffered traumatic brain injuries.

Travel to the year 1848 and meet Phineas Gage, who had a railroad spike run straight through his brain, the spike landing 11 feet behind him. Once a gentleman, he became a foul mouthed, raging alcoholic who could no longer maintain employment.

It was said that: “He was no longer Gage,” yet we read in ancient texts that this is all a matter of self-control.

It doesn’t feel that way when this columnist follows directions multiple times and ends up with a different result than everyone else.

There should be no screaming, no cursing, and no pounding on the desk-at least from the rational point of view.  However, the frustration shoots so quickly through the brain of this columnist that a blizzard of expletives shoot into the air and a rainstorm of fists pound the desk.

There’s someone in your office who does that.  There’s usually at least one or two people.
Should these people be fired?  Absolutely not!  Should they go to anger management?  Let’s hold off on that for a little while.  It might be a good idea to find out what may have happened to that person’s brain before insulting suggestions are made-and believe me, to suggest anger management might actually make the situation worse because that person probably already knows they have a problem with their temper.  That person has probably worked on their temper for years.

Look further back into the Bible, because it seems that Solomon condemns Moses.  I mean, he’s the one who killed an Egyptian slave driver!

11 Now it came about in those days, when Moses had grown up, that he went out to his brethren and looked on their hard labors; and he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his brethren. 12So he looked this way and that, and when he saw there was no one around, he struck down the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. -Exodus 2:11-12

So, not only did Moses commit manslaughter in a fit of rage, he also hid the evidence of the crime-yet, Solomon’s writings tell us not to befriend angry people.

That’s not the only time Moses lost his temper, either.  Remember what he did when he saw the people worshiping the Golden Calf when he returned from Mt. Sinai?  He broke the tabletsonce more, in a fit of rage!

Lastly, we see Moses lose his temper again in Numbers 20!

So Moses took the staff from the Lord’s presence, just as he commanded him. 10 He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, “Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?” 11 Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank.

12 But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.”


There are two sides to that scenario.

On one side of the river, Moses had to do something, because the people were dying of thirst.  However, on the other side of the same river, his temper had caused him problems in the past.

It was not right for God to punish Moses by denying him entry into the Promised Land based on that particular incident.  Conversely, if the reader considers the other incidents which happened prior to that one, it might make a little sense.  However, look at this from a scientific perspective and it is clear that Moses obviously had difficulty with his frontal lobes.  Hence, was it right to punish him by preventing him from entering Canaan?

It seems to me that Solomon should have thought twice before he wrote that passage, as Moses obviously needed Depakote.  Too bad there was no Sav-on drugstore in Biblical times.

In closing, it is better to be curious about one’s temper than to isolate him for it-because you just lit a match in so doing….and that line going down the hall isn’t black pepper.

Hit the dirt.

Dumbass Wigboy Looked Up, But I Looked DOWN!





Can you believe he did that?  Can you believe that he actually did that?
The Atlantic reported Monday that Donald Trump looked up at the eclipse without eye protection!

This jackball wants to be the leader of the free world, and he pulls off something stupid like that!

This is not a man who is fit for leadership.

Someone who does not know the basic common sense of  First grade science has no business running our country!

I mean, even the kid knew to wear eye protection!  He’s ten miles ahead of his old man!

And Americans wonder why the rest of the world laughs at the United States now.

It’s pathetic when one realizes that we elected an actor in 1980 who fell asleep at Cabinet meetings, we had a pretender who struggled through My Pet Goat after 3,000 people were butchered in New York City…and now, this!

I’m not going to admit to anyone with a straight face that this dumbass is my president.  First, he lost by three million votes, and second….he’s as stupid as a big-tittied high school cheerleader!

How did this moron get through college?  And, as long as we’re on the subject, if you voted for him….how did you get through college?

Here Is Proof I Succeeded: Jim Rousch, Class of 2017

nMy class ring came in the mail today.

I would have ordered it sooner, but there was a little bit of doubt as to whether I would graduate this year or next. However, since I had less than 10 credits to go, I was allowed to participate in graduation exercises.

To bastards like Crescent Hardy of Nevada, who said that people like me are a drain on society, you have been proven wrong.  Crescent Hardy said that disabled children are a drain on society.

Here is what Crescent Hardy said about us!

Excuse me, but I’m not the one who went to Iraq to show everyone how big my penis supposedly was only to drive over a roadside bomb because I thought I was a badass and paid no attention to the road!

My brain damage went into the brain stem when I was six months old. I wasn’t expected to be a contributing member of this sick society.

My left ear can’t hear and I can’t lift anymore, but I can still destroy anyone. My words are like intercontinental ballistic missiles, and I love to fire them off at will.

I have ten itchy fingers just waiting for bigots like Crescent Hardy.

As for myself, I’m getting a Master’s in Education-possibly a doctorate.

I hope Hardy stays alive four more years so that I can show him what someone who has brain damage can do, because I will then tell that bigot to Burn in Hell.

It’s going to be a beautiful moment in Eternity when someone like myself sees of Crescent Hardy in Hell for the way he sees us, but I want him to be around around long enough so he can meet his Satanic Christ.

See You There, Cresent Hardy!

I Don’t Have Time, But I Do Have Trouble With Temporal Cognition!

You know that you have to be somewhere today and you know that it’s at 11:30.  The only problem is that it’s now 11:45 and you haven’t left the house.

You scored that big date you have been begging for with that one girl.  She finally said yes, but you just got off the phone with her and she told you to never talk to her again because she thought you stood her up-which you did…you just didn’t realize it.

You see, tonight is Friday, not tomorrow.

You call someone and get lost in the conversation.  You know that you have homework to do and you know that an assignment is due tomorrow.  However, what you felt was only ten minutes actually turned out to be three and a half hours.

While everyone loses track of time occasionally, those who experience this on a regular basis experience difficulty with temporal cognition-myself included.  This deals with the temporal lobe.

Temporal cognition deals with the flowing of time, but it’s tragic when that flow is distorted-or worse, doesn’t exist at all.

Now I understand why I was often a quarter of a beat early when I played metal in the 1980’s.  My clock was different from those in the rest of the band!

And so it is with those who experience difficulty with temporal cognition.

In my own case, I tried to compensate by holding my chords just a moment longer, because I knew I had the tendency to change just a bit too fast.  I’ll have to ask my best friend if ever did a decent job of that, but I think I know what the answer is going to be.

Oh, well!  That was thirty years ago!  How do I know?  This is 2017 and I was in that band from 1985 to 1987.  I just do the math (and carry the one).

So, girls, the next time that geek stands you up, it’s not that he’s a wuss.  He probably has a problem with temporal cognition.  Just give him a call and give him a second chance, because he probably already feels like crap as it already is.