Life Sucks Worse For Those Who TRY To Live Out The Great Commission



Jesus Christ once said to His disciples that the world will hate them because of Him, but I’m not sure that’s entirely accurate-not to say that Christ would lie, but I see the situation a little differently than the way He said it.

Let’s face it; the average Christian in the United States of America is a hypocritical bastard who should be hit by a Dodge while crossing the street.

He votes for a political party which punishes the poor when 1 John 3:17 mandates that we are to help our brothers and sisters in need.

Adam and Eve were black,  yet I’ve never met a Satanist who was racist.

Mary was pregnant prior to her marriage to Joseph (Matthew 1:18), yet there was a bill in Illinois last year which would have punished a single mother by withholding aid if she did not name the father of the child.

Suppose her uncle did it.

Suppose she was gangraped in an alley and she has no way of knowing who did it because she couldn’t count how many guys invited themselves into her body during the course of half an hour.

Did Jesus condemn the hooker whom the Sanhedrin wanted to execute?  No, He knew they were the ones who were using her.  Furthermore, a woman who had no social support in those days had no other choice than to sell her body.

Now, Mary and Joseph had other children (Matthew 12:46-50), why was Mary assigned to John during the course of Christ’s execution?

What about Jude and James?  They were Christ’s brothers by blood.  However, I digress.

The point is that conservatism claims to embrace Christ, but acts in contradiction.  How is cutting social programs while refusing to raise the minimum wage and while refusing to make it easier for people to be self-sufficient rather than depend upon the government out of necessity an agenda which advocates life?

Why do conservatives like Jeff Sessions label disabled children as an ‘irritating problem’?

Maybe had he been in favor of funding prenatal care, huh?  Maybe had he gone against business interests and gone after corporations who installed lead pipes-and you already know what Crescent Hardy said about children with disabilities-yet these bozos represent a political party which claims it wants to bring America back to God.

People don’t hate Jesus Christ-even Ghandi said as much.  The problem is that Christians, especially American Christians refuse to act like Christ.

I know that Christ rose because I know how crucifixion kills.  I know Roman procedure (which proves that His disciples didn’t take the Body while the guards were asleep).  I also know that Roman officials could not be bribed by the conquered.

And I haven’t even mentioned the Shroud yet!  Say what you want about that thing.  We didn’t see very many men walking around in Israel standing at 5’11” and approximately 180 lbs.  The nails are in the correct location and the marks on the back are consistent with 1st Century Roman torture.  Finally, the micro pollens found in the 1978 study of the Shroud were identified as being Palestinian in origin.

All that, and I’m a Slayer fan, too.

Shroud of Turin

Think about this.  What forger is going to be that meticulous?


All of that being stated, we still have a problem.  We have a political party which punishes rape victims and starves children in Christ’s Name.  Well, I think I know what’s going to happen to them in the end.


Matthew 25:42-46 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44“They also will answer, ‘LORD, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45“He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ 46“Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

This columnist will admit that it’s difficult for him to believe it when he comes across these people, but he eventually figures out that this is who they really are. Instead of the hypocritical bastards whom he would give anything to sodomize with his baseball bat (many of whom are in his own family)-and by the way, lube’s too expensive.  It would be unfortunate if a hypocrite had to walk funny for a month and a half because he came across the wrong person who was destroyed by the Church.


What’s truly sad is the fact that there are those in Christianity who try to live out the Great Commission to the best of their human ability.  They don’t want any money, they seek no fame, they just want to bring hope to someone who might be ready to eat a bullet.

President Obama Didn’t Wiretap The Nazi-Trump’s Just A Lying and Paranoid Sociopath


The Justice Department’s National Security division and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have made it official:

Barack Obama did not wiretap Trump Tower during the 2016 presidential cycle. Hence, Donald Trump is either a liar or a paranoid schizophrenic.

Everyone already knows that the bastard is a racist son of whore and we all know that he pushed the birther bullshit.  Worse, he kept it up right on past the 2016 election-and he now wants to erase everything that President Obama did-particularly the Affordable Care  Act.

However, the fact that Trump’s own Justice Department can’t substantiate any of Wigboy’s paranoid claims proves that he is simply a narcissist who is willing to destroy anyone’s legacy-even if it means taking health insurance away from over twenty million people.

Even James Comey said that there was no evidence of any proof that the Obama administration.  This is more a case of the American Fuhrer brainwashing his already Donald Trump KKK mom and dad


stupid voter base.

You know, President Obama really should sue the bastard for defamation of character.  I mean, what’s one more lawsuit?  Everyone wants to at least sue the son of a whore.  I’m sure that you and I will get in line soon enough.  We’ll probably win, too.




After the things I’ve seen, I have no real use for human beings and would open a Donner Cafe in Truckee in half of a heartbeat if I thought I could make a quick buck and get away with it, because humans are a spiritual disease in the universal realm and mind.

Frankly, they disgust me.

Between their double standards, their prejudices, and their lies, this author sees no redeeming value in the homo sapien and he wishes that other primates were better at turning a Craftsman wrench.

Stock swindlers, rapists, child molesters, Christian conservatives, the pro-“life” movement, the military industrial complex, bigots, Republicans, corporations who lobby Republicans in the hope that overtime laws might be overturned…..

I mean, where does it end?

I know that Christ warned that the times were going to suck and swallow like a bitch in San Quentin Penitentiary, but c’mon!  How can it get any fucking worse?

Wait.  Don’t answer that.  I think I just heard the crashing of some glass.  Oh, it’s just an explosion.  Oh, well.  Fuck it.

First, if someone proclaims that they are pro-life, that means that they support the idea of free prenatal care, healthcare for all, and they don’t call babies born from sad circumstances “illegitimate” children.

Second, all children are loved and helped.

Third, we punish bullies and their parents.

Fourth, we force corporations to treat their employees like human beings or we execute all of the board members  in the parking lot of the home office.


And that’s just a start.

Please don’t give me this crap about no one said that life was supposed to be fair, because that’s a lie.  Thomas Jefferson wrote that in the Declaration of Independence.

In closing, don’t piss me off too much, because while you claim that life’s not fair, liberals and leftists make it so by any means necessary-whether you decide to accept that reality or not.

They Just Won’t Go Away

While some supporters of Bernie Sanders came to their senses last fall, we still have (mostly) Hippies who continue to count on him, not only to capture the Democratic nomination in three years time, but they also insist that he will beat Donald Trump.

The funny thing is that you look at these people and you can tell they never left the Cheech and Chong Film Festival that was held on 4/20.

Hell! Even Cheech and Chong left that joint when it ended!

How do I know that they are Woodstock surplus, you ask? Just look at most of them. The old men still have the straggly, barely-kept beards and most of the women look like Janis Joplin.

What do they want?

They want a perfect democracy in which no corporation can influence a candidate. The problem with that line of thinking is that the unions will be screwed, because the Republicans and their corporate masters will hide the money in secret offshore accounts, then it will be the Democrats who lose-as will we!

Most of those who still support Sanders never think that far out-well, at least, not in the usual political sense.

I learned very early that democracy sucks, no matter who you support, and Mick Jagger sang the reason as to why that is-you know the song, so sing it with me: “You can’t always get what you want. You can’t always get what you want. You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometimes you might find…you get what you need.”

That’s why I stay in the game. That’s also why I don’t waste my time with Independents. I’d rather vote Democratic and get a little than vote for this election cycle’s political messiah and lose it all.

The only comforting thought that I have is that, knowing how much LSD these people dropped back in the day, it’s safe to forecast that we won’t have to put up with their kind in three years.

Why do I make that statement?

My mother graduated from the University of Minnesota Institute of Technology in 1968. Now, she, being a geek, never did drugs of any kind. What wrecked my mother’s brain was having a psychologist for a daughter, a race car driver for a younger son, and a heavy metal guitarist-turned left-wing political activist for an older son.

Why would the woman need drugs?

Many Sanders supporters just never became adults, and you can always tell. They have the delusions that they did when they wanted to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.
That’s not to say that I don’t want those same things. I just know that it’s not going to happen via democracy, because Joe Average is a selfish idiot who would rather believe the worst assumptions about those he doesn’t understand instead of getting to know them.

McCain, the Hero

What happened in the Senate chamber could have come straight from a Hollywood movie from the 1940s.

A physically-compromised senator, the Republican from Arizona, John McCain, battling brain cancer, walked slowly into the chamber on Friday night, his colleagues look on in shock.

The man has been through worse as a prisoner in Vietnam, but he was a much younger and stronger man in those days. However, his days are drawing and Senator McCain knows that, whatever he may not like about the Affordable Care Act, to scrap it and replace it with the tragedies of the past which led to its creation in the first place would be no solution.

Senator McCain also knows that there is something serious amiss with Donald Trump, as Trump represents everything that Senator McCain fought against when he was in the military. After some words with Mike Pence, Senator McCain makes his way to the Democratic side of the chamber, where he is hugged by Senator Dianne Feinstein of California and Senator Amy Kohlbacher of Minnesota.

McConnell looked smug, confident that he had the number of votes. But then, something happened.

McCain's thumb is down! McConnell's arms are crossed in disgust.

Mike Pence wasn't needed, as the final tally was 49-51.

Senator McCain leans over, scribbles onto the paper, and walks past McConnell.

He ultimately joins Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine as the only Republicans to vote against the repeal.

McConnell realises at that moment that he has lost, but calls it a loss for the American people. That's strange, but the Affordable Care Act is actually popular.

According to Senator McCain's response on Twitter: "Skinny repeal fell short because it felt short of our promise to repeal and replace Obamacare with meaningful reform."

Senator McCain may not be a fan of the Affordable Care Act, but he also realises that a return to the past is not an option. As for Trump, he tweeted that three Republicans and 48 Democrats "let the American people down."

Trump offered no plan of his own, but only sought to berate the three Republicans who did the right thing-one of which has suffered more than Donald Trump ever has.

President Barack Obama and Senator John McCain are now forever welded together in American history. The two men began as opponents in 2008, but Senator John McCain defended then-Senator Obama more than once against racists when he called Senator Obama a good man. Now, nearly a decade later, the ailing Senator McCain preserves his former rival's legacy by marching to the front and being the maverick.

Don’t Help Those Who Vote Against Their Own Interests

This graphic, which was released by Yahoo News earlier this week, further demonstrates a serious disconnect between those who have a clue and those who are simply too stupid to deserve help from Washington, D.C.

It’s Trump’s approval ratings as ranked by state.

There are some interesting observations here, one of those being that Trump’s approval rating is 42 percent in Texas. While Texas is a reliably red state, according to The Texas Tribune’s story, written by Patrick Svitek, Trump took Texas the smallest margin for a Republican presidential candidate in two decades: 9 points.

One can only guess as to Trump’s numbers in Alaska. It could be the racial demographics, as whites outnumber American Indian or Alaska natives about 4:1. As for the rest of it, one can plainly see that he has high numbers in the stupid states, those forgotten places which have been condemned by time where you don’t admit to voting Democratic if you want to remain gainfully employed.

I would love to know why 60 percent of voters in the state of West Virginia, 59 percent of voters in North Dakota, and 58 percent of voters in South Dakota worship this thief-and then, there’s Mississippi, with a insane poverty rate of 22 percent (!

Many Democrats where I live tell me that we must be kind to those who have threatened us of late; that we should be kind to these Alt-Right idiots who consistently vote against their own interests-which might make for good strategy: that is, if you’re suicidal.

I have been told that we must help these people who hate us see that voting Republican has impoverished them, rather than empowered them.

No, these idiots vote Republican because the Republican Party justifies their bigotry. I’m sorry, but I see a bigot, I remind it of where Adam and Eve originated, I remind it that it worships a rabbi every Sunday, and then…I knock it into a wall.

Go ahead and say it out loud. I don’t mind, because it’s true! That’s what I am, and I’m damned proud of it. That’s what one has to be when one defends the developmentally disabled and the immigrant against someone whom you would think values the few teeth he has left.

Then again, you did read my article on how these lowlifes devalue education. So, there’s your answer, sport.

Fuck ’em.

Conservatives Are More Stupid Than Anyone Realized

The Pew Research Center released its findings Monday on how Americans view higher education.

Once upon a time, it was Republicans who valued college because they knew college was the gateway to economic freedom.  However, the findings exhibited by Pew this week show that the average Republican voter values intellect even less than he actually possesses the same.

He seems to worship his own ignorance!

According to the article, Sharp Partisan Divisions in Views of National Institutions, conservatives state that colleges have a deleterious impact on America.  How ironic it should be that they trust the financial institutions that rape them economically now so that they can throw them into debtor’s prison later.

A whopping 58% of those on the right hate colleges and universities-yet, they blame the Democrats for trying to save them.

Worse yet, more Republican voters hate unions by a thirteen point margin-even though the unions want workers to be paid fairly.

The truth of the matter is that one can only help someone who needs and wants help-even if they don’t know how to ask for it.  Those who hate the idea of being well-educated; hate the idea of being paid fairly, but trust the very ones who are screwing them just need to die in peace so that those who presently have no say with regard to their respective futures can simply take over and live well.

Can We Live In A Utopian Society?

A classmate of mine addressed the question as to whether or not human beings can live in a utopian society.

While a worker and a creator should enjoy a profit because of an idea they envisioned, we cannot have a permanent underclass due to exploitation of workers who are forced to take what little may come their way, compliments of the “generous” CEO who lives in three multi-million dollar mansions and only works one day a week.

Here was my response to the question at hand.

“We can, but some people will have to learn about their place in said society.

This means that one only takes what one needs-and no more.  Severe penalties should be imposed for greed and discrimination.

If this comes across as if I advocate a socialist state, you’re close.  This is because humans are, by their very nature, greedy.  Humans discriminate against those whom they refuse to understand, and it’s easier for a ‘have’ to dismiss a ‘have not’ as a lazy deadbeat, when in fact such a ‘deadbeat’ is not properly nourished to perform critical thinking skills, improperly housed so that they cannot be well-rested, and thus, be a more productive worker, and economically secure.

This is why I cheer for revolutionaries in many deprived nations (especially in the West), where the rich have seen to it that there is a permanent underclass to exploit and replace upon their demise at the job.  We have even gotten to the point where elections in this nation no longer matter.  This is where one has to heed President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s warning about revolution; that those who are not allowed to conduct peaceful revolution will begin a violent revolution.

Americans now live in the time period President Kennedy warned us about.   The haves must either share what they have been allowed to earn or face the fates of the French and Russian aristocracies.

Henry Ford was aware of this and this was one of the reasons why he paid his workers five dollars per day (the other reason was because Ford wanted his workers to buy the Model-T so that Ford Motor Company could attract a market; that if the Model-T was good enough for the men who built it, it was good enough for every John and Mary in Smalltown, U.S.A.).

Finally, read the Book of Acts in the Bible and you will come to realize that the early Christian Church was socialist in nature.  Read about what happened to Ananias and Sapphira.

Acts 5:1-11 NIV

I wonder how my classmate will react to my response.

Here’s My Voting Information, Bastard!

Trump henchman, Jeff Sessions, wants our voting information-which is strange when one considers the fact that Sessions went after three black activists in 1985 and lost the case, according to the New York Times.

The truth of the matter is that the Republican Party has a history of voter suppression, but this is a blatant attempt at disenfranchisement.

If the Republican Party is the party of less government and more freedom, explain why the members of that party want to know for whom I have voted and why they demand the last four digits of my Social Security number.

America is the nation where one is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.  However, since Republicans hate Americans, they would rather lock up anyone who isn’t a bigot or a religious fundamentalist.

The Republican Party is nothing more than a terrorist organization, and they should be treated like any other group of terrorists who seek to frighten real Americans into exchanging their freedom for the illusion of security.  If Jeff Sessions or Donald Trump want my information, they have to get a warrant.

I will not volunteer my voting information.

I don’t answer to bigots, fascists, or narcissistic sociopaths.  I am an American and I have rights under the Fourth Amendment.  If Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump want my voter information, they can either get a warrant or go fuck each other in what I hear is their secret location.