President Obama Didn’t Wiretap The Nazi-Trump’s Just A Lying and Paranoid Sociopath


The Justice Department’s National Security division and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have made it official:

Barack Obama did not wiretap Trump Tower during the 2016 presidential cycle. Hence, Donald Trump is either a liar or a paranoid schizophrenic.

Everyone already knows that the bastard is a racist son of whore and we all know that he pushed the birther bullshit.  Worse, he kept it up right on past the 2016 election-and he now wants to erase everything that President Obama did-particularly the Affordable Care  Act.

However, the fact that Trump’s own Justice Department can’t substantiate any of Wigboy’s paranoid claims proves that he is simply a narcissist who is willing to destroy anyone’s legacy-even if it means taking health insurance away from over twenty million people.

Even James Comey said that there was no evidence of any proof that the Obama administration.  This is more a case of the American Fuhrer brainwashing his already Donald Trump KKK mom and dad


stupid voter base.

You know, President Obama really should sue the bastard for defamation of character.  I mean, what’s one more lawsuit?  Everyone wants to at least sue the son of a whore.  I’m sure that you and I will get in line soon enough.  We’ll probably win, too.


Disappointed, But Not Surprised

Kiss is my favorite heavy metal band-and always will be.  However, it’s quite disappointing to hear Gene Simmons’ words about how we feel about this madman who is in the White House.

Personally, I would think that he would be a little wiser, but I won’t go into the particulars.  Even in my disappointment, I will give Simmons credit for the way that he put it; subtly.  In Lincolnian terms, with malice toward none and charity toward all-but I still think he’s wrong on this one.

Simmons and Trump have been friends for a very long time, so it’s natural that Simmons would come to the Donald’s defense.  That’s what friends do.  However, one of the things I loved about Kiss is that they didn’t discuss politics-at least not until sixteen years ago.

Yeah, that changed everything.

At least he did vote for President Obama in 2008, and I know that he did because he admitted to doing so on the radio.  I heard him on KLOS back in the old days.

Do I feel crestfallen?  Sure!  However, I remember what he said in 1987 about hero worship; that it’s a dangerous thing.  Why?  Your heroes might ultimately disappoint you.  This can be found in his section of the Crazy, Crazy Nights tour program from the 1987-1988 tour.

Hence, Gene has disappointed me.  However, we all have family members who voted for this guy, so that’s kind of how I view this predicament.

I’ll still buy Kiss albums whenever they are released (let’s admit that they’re only going to record one or two more), but reading what he said just reminds me how sad reality can be sometimes-especially when you’re referring to a man who has made dreams come true.

Why Is Anyone Surprised-and the NERVE of that Guy!

That little bastard who took a Dodge Charger and ran through people in Virginia today is the typical racist who was influenced by Donald Trump’s hateful rhetoric-and yet, Trump condemned the act after all the crap he encouraged last year!

Remember when he encouraged his supporters to take the jackets of Hillary supporters and throw them out into subzero weather?

Or, how about the time he made fun of the reporter who has Parkinson’s Disease?

Donald Trump knows damn well that he created this mess, and the son of a bitch is not going to get away with it.

It’s safe to say that the United States of America is at war with itself again.

On one side, we have people who want to live out their civil rights as the Declaration of Independence and  the Bill of Rights granted us.  On the other side, we have theocratic fascists who want the America where blacks sat at the back of the bus, children with developmental disabilities had no chance, and rape victims were called whores.

It’s bad enough that conservatives blame Black Lives Matter-which is nothing but crap.  It was a white boy in a Dodge who did all the damage.  However, it’s even worse when we have a frozen left, the members of which are too afraid to fight.

This is the tragic result of the non-violent philosophy of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., as peace always leads to failure.  However, the baby boomer generation refuses to admit that they were cowards back in the old days-well, the middle-class whites, anyway.  The blacks and the members of the American Indian Movement know better.  Based on the conversations I’ve had with many black Americans, Malcolm X and Huey Newton told it like it was and proclaimed what needed to be done-which I am still willing to do, even in my compromised state of physique.  Why?  Because I want someone to fight just as hard for my freedom as I would for theirs.

If the New Black Panther Party would allow me the honor, I would gladly fight by their side.  It’s the same with AIM.   I don’t know MEChA’s plans, but I’m also willing to offer my services to them; and that’s whatever any of them might have me do!

This is what you do when freedom is on the line.  You offer whatever is left of yourself to those who need you the most.

You wouldn’t be surprised how many whites were so certain that this whole thing was started by the blacks-and they still blame President Obama.  For what, existing? All the man ever did was rebuild this nation with his own hands in spite of grueling opposition.

I’m sure that the job has taken a few years off of his life, as he had 400 death threats against him from November of 2008 to January 20, 2009.

This must end and it will end.  The only question to be answered is by what means.  Will there be a war (which I would not be surprised we just witnessed the beginning of the same) or will the United Nations be forced to intervene (which I see as a more remote possibility)?

Don’t blame Black Lives Matter for anything that happened in Virginia today.  Confederate monuments need to come down.  It’s hate, not heritage.  Anyone who states otherwise might as well go ahead and raise their right hand.

Trump Fiddles While the World Burns

MSNBC reported Thursday that Donald Trump has wasted fifty days at his golf properties


This is compounded by his record 65 vacation days (as per time in office).

I have to laugh at some of these pathetic old people on social media who “scream” at me that I should demonstrate respect toward Donald Trump.

Why? It’s not like the fucker is President of the United States of America, or anything.

Case in point, “Ok, “your dictator great”. Names & titles are BS. He is the leader of our country!” Time stamp: 9:13 a.m.

No, Donald Trump is NOT the leader of the United States.

For starters, Trump lost the popular vote by over three million votes. Secondly, he is hated in this country. Lastly, a leader of the United States fucking LEADS. He DOESN’T go on vacations. President Obama rarely went on vacation-and that’s why he looks the way he does now. Those eight years took a serious toll on his health and grayed his hair. Remember how dark his hair was when he was on the cover of Rolling Stone in 2008?

Those eight years wrinkled his face like a prune.

Conversely, read this story from THE GUARDIAN:

Barack Obama rarely took a break, and when he dared to, it was for a brief period of time.

I guess we can stop with the bullshit now. Those who bow to Trump like they would raise their right arm to Hitler might as well admit that they are either racist bastards or liars.

Trump fiddles while the world moves closer toward a nuclear exchange, and anyone who calls this piece of shit the President of the United States needs serious help. Furthermore, anyone who PLEDGES ALLEGIANCE to this piece of shit is a TRAITOR TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, as Trump acquired the office via FRAUD.

Why do you think he’s so intent on investigating an invisible crime that never took place last November?

McCain, the Hero

What happened in the Senate chamber could have come straight from a Hollywood movie from the 1940s.

A physically-compromised senator, the Republican from Arizona, John McCain, battling brain cancer, walked slowly into the chamber on Friday night, his colleagues look on in shock.

The man has been through worse as a prisoner in Vietnam, but he was a much younger and stronger man in those days. However, his days are drawing and Senator McCain knows that, whatever he may not like about the Affordable Care Act, to scrap it and replace it with the tragedies of the past which led to its creation in the first place would be no solution.

Senator McCain also knows that there is something serious amiss with Donald Trump, as Trump represents everything that Senator McCain fought against when he was in the military. After some words with Mike Pence, Senator McCain makes his way to the Democratic side of the chamber, where he is hugged by Senator Dianne Feinstein of California and Senator Amy Kohlbacher of Minnesota.

McConnell looked smug, confident that he had the number of votes. But then, something happened.

McCain's thumb is down! McConnell's arms are crossed in disgust.

Mike Pence wasn't needed, as the final tally was 49-51.

Senator McCain leans over, scribbles onto the paper, and walks past McConnell.

He ultimately joins Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine as the only Republicans to vote against the repeal.

McConnell realises at that moment that he has lost, but calls it a loss for the American people. That's strange, but the Affordable Care Act is actually popular.

According to Senator McCain's response on Twitter: "Skinny repeal fell short because it felt short of our promise to repeal and replace Obamacare with meaningful reform."

Senator McCain may not be a fan of the Affordable Care Act, but he also realises that a return to the past is not an option. As for Trump, he tweeted that three Republicans and 48 Democrats "let the American people down."

Trump offered no plan of his own, but only sought to berate the three Republicans who did the right thing-one of which has suffered more than Donald Trump ever has.

President Barack Obama and Senator John McCain are now forever welded together in American history. The two men began as opponents in 2008, but Senator John McCain defended then-Senator Obama more than once against racists when he called Senator Obama a good man. Now, nearly a decade later, the ailing Senator McCain preserves his former rival's legacy by marching to the front and being the maverick.

Tell Me Again How President Obama Sucked

Obama Approval Rating January 2017_n

To all of you racist, stupid, inbred, fundamentalist xenophobes who still say Barack Obama was the worst president we ever had, explain this Gallup rating he scored less than two weeks before he left office.

He brought us healthcare when people were dying in American waiting rooms, and now insurance companies can’t deny anyone based on the so-called “pre-existing condition.”  Young people can stay on their parents’ plans up until the age of 26.

He killed Bin Laden.

Obama saved the American automobile industry single handedly because no Republican was going to allow the American car industry to survive.

We had the strongest economy in the world.

Yet, some of you seem to think that the xenophobe who occupies the White House at this moment in time is so wonderful-all the while he licks Putin’s ass and calls it chocolate pudding.

Face it.  You’re racist.  This columnist knows it, your neighbors know it, and since Charles Darwin was correct, your descendants will know it in roughly a billion years-assuming the effects of the inbreeding have dissipated, anyway.

The world still respects Barack Obama, and the current leader of the free world, Angela Merkel, longs for Obama’s presence at the meetings because Wigboy is so inept that it’s pathetic.  She also knows that those of you who voted for this putz are about as intelligent as a bar of soap.

My apologies to those of the soap gland, but that’s about the size of it.

It seems to those of us who live in the real world that Barack Obama might be the last president of the United States  during the era when America was the greatest nation in the world.  Then again, that all depends on how quickly we can get this son of a bitch out of the White House because we’re done as a nation if Wigboy stays for all four years-and Pence would be worse.

Think of an American ayatollah.

If you would rather have that than Barack Obama, any normal person would say that you need to leave this nation.


The Black President Didn’t Fail, You Wear White Sheets.

Tell Me Again How I Failed_n  And you might as well admit to that, too, because Donald Trump has taken this nation into the sewer ever since January.

It’s now so bad that Angela Merkel said that the world can no longer completely trust the United States.  Trumpzis, this is all on you.

We, the normal, understand that this was a kneejerk reaction for your having to deal with a black man being the most powerful man in the world for eight years, but he got Bin Laden.  W. let him go because the Bin Ladens and the Bushes are friends-everyone knows that.

Race relations have deteriorated to their worst levels in decades because of this Nazi who bragged about his German blood and called it ‘good stuff.’  The only challenge those of us on the left have is to shut down the pacifists who are still stuck in the 1960s, because you sons of cousins run away from me whenever I get ahold of you.

I don’t fuck around, and you have come to realize that in under thirty seconds.  Thus, you run-just like the cowards that you are.

Whatever the history books censor about Barack Obama is already in my files, so I will do whatever is necessary to preserve his legacy:

American auto industry alive-Bin Laden dead.
Homeownership boom.
One of the longest peacetime economic expansions in American history, with over 14 million jobs created.

Why couldn’t you get a high-paying job?  Oh, poor Jethro!  Had you gone to night school instead of banging Wanda Mae, you’d actually have enough money to drive a jalopy instead of that Radio Flyer wagon you use to drive to your place of employment at the family gas station.  However, seeing how you thought he was a Muslim (which, even if he were would still be okay-according to the Constitution), your life sucks worse now than it did under President Obama-and it’s about to get worse!  You fools think college is bad!

I’m sorry, but I only reserve my compassion for those who are down on their luck through no fault of their own, not for klansmen who voted for a white supremacist.
Barack Obama maintained America’s greatness, but if we fall….we’re coming after you Trump bastards.